628 years of Potatoes

“This documentary film takes as its subject a wasteland in the city of Berlin, and questions the value we can attribute to this kind of place, as well as the notion of possession and use.”

This film is situated at the crossroads of two artistic approaches: the work of Vincent Jondeau, which attempts to develop ecological forms of narration by decentering the human gaze and including the perspective and memory of non-human beings; and the work of Marina Resende Santos, which questions the capacity for action, technology and ecology in urban space through public interventions and research-based projects. The aim of this visual and theoretical research is to highlight the dynamics of life and extinction at work in these threatened counter-spaces that are vacant lots.

Crédits :

Post-production : Rémi Vauthrin Réalisation : Vincent Jondeau

Marina Resende Santos

Photo :